From Digipool-Wiki
P5JS Code
// WebSerial // This code receives the value of A0 and displays it on the screen. // Make sure to turn on WebSerial API in Chrome to connect USB-Controller (Arduino) // Use the Basics/AnalogReadSerial example on the arduino /* Use this command to send data to the Arduino: if (serialDevice) { serialDevice.writeString("1"); serialDevice.writeString("\n"); } */ let baud = 9600; let serialDevice; let serialValue = 0; let inString = "1"; let inStringList = ""; let serialOn = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); } function draw() { background(0); noStroke(); fill(255, 127); text(serialValue, 100, 100); } function mousePressed() { if (!!serialDevice) { if (serialOn == 0) { serialOn = 1; } else { serialOn = 0; } return; } serialDevice = new SerialDevice( baud, (data) => serialRead(data), (err) => serialError(err) ); serialOn = 1; } function serialRead(data) { console.log("serial data:", data); inStringList = splitTokens(data, " "); if (serialOn == 1) { if (inStringList.length == 1) { serialValue = int(map(parseInt(inStringList[0]), 0, 1024, 0, 1001)); } } } function serialError(err) { print("Error:", err); } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.2/p5.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.2/addons/p5.sound.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <meta charset="utf-8" /> </head> <body> <script src="serial-device.js"></script> <script src="sketch.js"></script> </body> </html>
serial-device.js Class
class SerialDevice { constructor(baudRate = 115200, readCallback = null, errorCallback = null) { this.baudRate = baudRate; this.readCallback = readCallback; this.errorCallback = errorCallback; this.initSerial(); } async initSerial() { try { this.port = await navigator.serial.requestPort(); // Request a port and open a connection. await this.port.open({ baudrate: this.baudRate, baudRate: this.baudRate, }); // Wait for the port to open. Use new & old `baudrate` key for different browsers console.log(this.port); this.initialized = true; } catch (err) { if (this.errorCallback) this.errorCallback(err); return; } // start reading input this.startWriting(); this.startReading(); } async startReading() { // input from serial device this.decoder = new TextDecoderStream(); let inputDone = this.port.readable.pipeTo(this.decoder.writable); this.inputStream = this.decoder.readable; this.reader = this.inputStream.getReader(); this.readLoop(); } async readLoop() { while (true) { const { value, done } = await this.reader.read(); if (value) { if (this.readCallback) this.readCallback(value); } if (done) { console.log("[readLoop] DONE", done); this.reader.releaseLock(); break; } } } async startWriting() { // output to serial device this.encoder = new TextEncoderStream(); this.outputDone = this.encoder.readable.pipeTo(this.port.writable); this.writerString = this.encoder.writable.getWriter(); } async writeString(data) { if (this.port && this.port.writable) { await this.writerString.write(data); } else { console.log("[SerialDevice can't write string]", data); } } }