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Revision as of 11:28, 14 April 2011 by WikiSysop (Talk | contribs) (Text formatting markup)

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The number one rule of wiki editing, is to be bold. Dive in and make changes. Other people can correct mistakes later, so have confidence, and give it a try!

If you one is not used to edit a wiki pages, she or he can send me stuff by a-mail and I will paste it into the wiki. [1]

Text formatting markup

You can format your text using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, single quotes or equation marks which have a special function in the wiki, sometimes depending on their position. For example, to format a word in italic, you include it in two single quotes like ''this''

Description You type You get
applies anywhere
Italic text ''italic'' italic
Bold text '''bold''' bold
Bold and italic '''''bold & italic''''' bold & italic
Escape wiki markup <nowiki>no "markup"</nowiki> no ''markup''
Fixed width text

<tt>Fixed width text</tt>

Fixed width text

only at the beginning of the line
Indent text

:Single indent
::Double indent
:::::Multiple indent

Single indent
Double indent
Multiple indent
Headings of

different levels <ref>An article with four or more headings will automatically create a table of contents.</ref>

=level 1=<ref>Use of a level 1 heading is highly discouraged as it appears with the same formatting and size as the page title, which can be confusing.</ref>
==level 2==
===level 3===
====level 4====
=====level 5=====
======level 6======

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6

Horizontal rule


Bullet list

* one
* two
* three
** three and one-third
** three and two-thirds

  • one
  • two
  • three
    • three and one-third
    • three and two-thirds
Numbered list

# one
# two<br />spanning several lines<br />without breaking the numbering
# three
## three point one
## three point two

  1. one
  2. two
    spanning several lines
    without breaking the numbering
  3. three
    1. three point one
    2. three point two
Mixture of bulleted
and numbered lists

# one
# two
#* two point one
#* two point two

  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
Definition list

:item 1
:item 2

item 1
item 2
Preformatted text

  preformatted text is done with
  a space at the
  beginning of the line

preformatted text is done with
a space at the 
beginning of the line
Preformatted text (for example code) with no indentation caused by blank lines

 <pre> some preformatted text with no indentation </pre>

some preformatted
text with no indentation

and so on..
Code with syntax highlight

 <source lang="java"> int ledPin = 13; </source>

<source lang="java"> int ledPin = 12; </source>


text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

<blockquote> quote quote quote quote quote quote </blockquote>

text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

quote quote quote quote quote quote

text text text text text text text text text text text text


<!--This is comment-->


MediaWiki ignores normal line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can also start a new line with the HTML tags <br> or <br/>.

How to link

Description You type You get
Internal link [[Main Page]] Main Page
Piped link [[Main Page|different text]] different text
External link
External link,

different title

[ MediaWiki] MediaWiki
External link,


[] [2]
Anchor link [[#See also]] #See also
Anchor link at another page [[Help:Images#See also]] Help:Images#See also
Category link [[:Category:Help]] Category:Help
Internal link to image file [[media:example.jpg]] media:example.jpg
Internal link to pdf file [[media:example.pdf]] media:example.pdf
Interwiki link [[Wikipedia:MediaWiki]] Wikipedia:MediaWiki
mailto link [ email me] email me
redirect #REDIRECT [[Main Page]] Main Page

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For uploading files use the button in the "toolbox" on the left. Remember the exact file name to embed the files into the wiki pages.

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