VMusic2 Anleitung
From Digipool-Wiki
<source lang="c">
// vMusic-EasyJukebox by www.olafval.de more info: www.vinculum.com/prd_vmusic1.html
- include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// USB-stick max 4 G // Name Songs "001.mp3" "002.mp3" . . . // cut the blue // conect the brown to the reen cable // red cable to 5V // black cable to GND
- define VMUSIC_RX 14 // yellow cable ti Analog in 0
- define VMUSIC_TX 15 // orange cable ti Analog in 1
// set up a new serial port
SoftwareSerial mySerial = SoftwareSerial(VMUSIC_RX, VMUSIC_TX);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
// define pin modes for tx, rx, led pins: pinMode(VMUSIC_RX, INPUT); pinMode(VMUSIC_TX, OUTPUT); // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port mySerial.begin(9600); mySerial.print("VSV"); // set volume mySerial.print(0,BYTE); // should be between 0 (loud) and 254 (mute) mySerial.print(0x0D,BYTE);
void loop() {
Serial.println("Song_1"); mySerial.print("VPF 001.mp3"); // play song nr one mySerial.print(0x0D,BYTE); delay(9000);